You may have noticed that things have been quiet around here for a while. There's been a good reason. Long story in short form... our family is preparing to make the transition from civilian to military life. I wrote about it on my personal blog.

We know that this will be a huge change for our kiddos and we're working through that process now. For the last twenty-one years Sherri and I have served in leadership roles in churches. We are grateful for the people and places we have served and loved. Those experiences have provided an education that will serve us well in this next phase of life.
The entire Peterson Team is excited about this change and looking forward to all that comes with it.
We expect to continue creating content for First Half parents and look forward to sharing our journey with you... and hearing about your journey too!
No matter where we are or where we go, the challenges and opportunities of First Half Parenting remain... and we're going to keep learning and sharing how to be awesome FIRST HALF PARENTS! We hope you'll travel with us!
Remember... always remember... "YOU'VE GOT THIS!"